This page belongs to our new society, dedicated to the love and care of some of the smallest members of the plant kingdom – rock garden plants. They are perennials that form buns, cushions, tufts, mats and carpets; they are bulbous plants, shrublets or the smallest conifers; sometimes they are true alpines.

We have selected for our emblem (logo) our best alpine plant PRIMULA MINIMA form SUDETICA: this beauty comes from the fell-fields (alpine stony ridges) of Mount Sněžka (the highest peak in the Krkonoše Mountains in the Northwest of the Czech Republic).

Our members focus on the construction and planting of natural stone outcrops called rock gardens or alpinums.

Czech growers, seed collectors and constructors of natural rock gardens or crevice gardens are among the best in the world of rock gardening and our society will spread the word about the best rock gardens and plants, together with our sister societies – the Alpine Garden Society, the North American Rock Garden Society and the Scottish Rock Garden Club.

Sincerely Yours,

Committee of the CZRGS

Conference committee

Zdeněk Zvolánek – president
Jiří Papoušek – vice president; Garden Tour
Ludmila Papoušková – registration
Vojtěch Holubec – speakers
Kateřina Solmaz – web, marketing
Zdena Kosourová – treasurer

Contact e-mail:

Contact us

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