On the behalf of the 4th Czech International Rock Garden Conference Committee, it is our pleasure to invite you to the Conference with attractive lectures and exploring the best local rock gardens plus the May Show of the Prague Club situated in the medieval baroque parts of Prague. The event is planned for 5-9th May 2023 at the Congress and Educational Centre Hotel Pruhonice.
Using our experience from the previous conference we decided to keep the location in Pruhonice. Only 15 kilometers from the center of Prague in the vicinity of the castle and two state parks of Průhonice, 24 kilometers from Prague Ruzyne Airport, and just a hop from the highway D1 Prague-Brno.
You can look forward to seeing your old friends and meeting new ones. The local gardeners were working hard for the past six years since the last conference and you can expect to see new additions or reconstructions.
Registration is closed.
The capacity of the conference was reached.
If you are interested in registering, please e-mail us to: conference@czrgs.cz and we will notify you if someone cancels their reservation.
Sajad Alipour
Thomas Abeli
Martin Hajman
Vojtěch Holubec
Harry Jans
John Mitchell
Jiří Papoušek
Zdeněk Zvolánek
The garden tour is designed for all the participants who will make a circular tour of rock gardens in four coaches with our experienced guides. The tours are organized for 2days and will visit representative rock gardens (many of them selling alpines, rock garden plants, dwarf shrubs, and dwarf conifers/witches brooms).
List of the gardens:
- Arboretum Všenory
- Stanislav Čepička – Praha
- Vojtěch Holubec – Praha
- Jiří Papoušek – Roztoky
- Jiří Pospíšil – Dobřichovice
- Zdeněk Zvolánek – Karlík
- Milan Halada – Praha
- The Dendrological Garden