John Mitchell (Scotland, The UK) 

From Wild to Cultivation at Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh

John Mitchell has worked at the Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh for 37 years and for the last 30 years as Supervisor of the alpine department. In his time as supervisor, some of his highlights have been creating a new lower woodland garden highlighting the history of woodland gardening. Over the years, the Rock Garden has been revamped, building a new water feature for Alpine 2001 as well as upgrading and rebuilding new areas. In the alpine yard, he has restored the traditional alpine house and built a new tufa alpine house. John has also partaken in many plant explorations to China, Siberia, Tajikistan, Afghanistan, Iran as well as part of Europe. He has been fortunate to lead tours for the AGS to Tibet, Alaska and China. John will give a talk on from Wild to Cultivation looking at plants collected from different areas and how they fit into the collection at RBGE.   

The lecture is supported by Scottish Rock Garden Club