Garden – Zdeněk Zvolánek


Zdenek Zvolanek (ZZ), the famous Czech crevice gardener, designer, and builder has been rock gardening for 50 years at the ‚Beauty Slope‘ above village Karlik in the Czech Karst. His rock garden stretches in steep rocky terrain under former dolerite (alkaline volcanic rock) quarry. There are dry tolerating plants from all over the Northern hemisphere, among which there are for example rare plants of the Rocky Mountains, Turkey and Balkans.

The garden is an example of how to use large cushion plants on steep terrain for the easy maintenance and water-saving policy in the hot southern lowland situation. Masses of Cyclamen coum, Aethionema, Daphne transcaucasica, Hypericum olympicum, Dianthus pindicola, and Moltkia petraea with Helianthemum, Acantholimon, and Genista. More intimate parts have Zauschneria ´Dublin´, Convolvulus phrygius, Salvia caespitosa, and Lewisia cotyledon.  The garden is using local plants such as Pulsatilla, Dictamnus, saxatile ferns, Primula veris. Very rich using of Sempervivum and tufa raised beds at the terrace.